Application Process

Teacher assisting two students in class

To see a list of positions available and to complete an application, please begin with our online application.

Some of the positions listed on the online application page are not current vacancies, but we accept all applications to build a pool of applicants. We will screen all applications for on-site interviews as we anticipate vacancies.

Use Application for all Positions

Please use the online application for all teacher, administrator, substitute teacher, or support staff positions.

  • Candidates may click Save and Continue at any point and return to the online application later by using their chosen username and password, though the information is actually submitted each time a page is completed.

  • If you need to return to the application data for updates of any kind, please log on to the system, make the appropriate changes, and click Save and Continue.

  • The online system may be idle for up to 45 minutes before it will close the application.

  • A summary of the application data will be available for you to print and keep for your own records and will serve as acknowledgement of the application to HCPS. 

  • Applicants receive a confirmation email after the application is submitted. Please check Junk Mail/Spam folders if you do not receive this confirmation.

Acknowledgement of Terms of Application and Completion

At the end of the application, you will be asked to acknowledge the terms of the application and indicate that all the data you entered is true and accurate.

  • Please do not use a “See Resume” statement, but include all information in the data fields provided.

  • When you have reached the end of the application, you will be asked if you wish to complete a different type of application or finish your application and log out. It is at that point that you know you have completed the entire application.

Application Tips

  • Print a copy of your application, and be sure you have completed all sections, even if this information is included on your resume.

  • Make sure to check the box accepting the terms of the application at the end of the application. 

  • Be sure to list your work experience both inside and outside of the educational field and that the dates are accurate. 

  • Give very clear information regarding whether you have a teaching license, in what area(s) of endorsement are written or to be written on your license, or what your progress is toward a teaching license or the expected date of completion.

  • Remember that we use the information on the application to screen for interviews and make important employment decisions. If you are unsure about the data you submit, use the comment section to explain rather than guess.

  • By acknowledging the terms at the end of the application, you are verifying the accuracy of the information. Falsification of the application is grounds for immediate termination.

  • Remember to keep your application data up to date using your username and password to access the document.

Mail or Email Supporting Documents

Once you have completed the application in its entirety, please mail your supporting documents to:

Hanover County Public Schools
Human Resources Department
200 Berkley Street 
Ashland, VA 23005

Or email them to the attention of the appropriate person below:

  • Dr. Meredith ParkerDirector of Human Resources: Employee relations for client group; Recruiting for administrators, middle, and high school teachers

  • Stacie JohnsonRecruiting Coordinator: Employee relations for client group; Recruiting for special education teachers, special education instructional assistants, transportation, and maintenance 

  • Nate Wiedenhoft, Recruiting Coordinator: Employee relations for client group; Recruiting for elementary teachers, substitutes, PREP, and Hanover Preschool Initiative (HPI)

  • Monique Bigby-Johnson, Recruiting Coordinator: Employee relations for client group; Recruiting for clerical, food services, technology, school nurses, custodians, k–12 specialty (school counselors, art, music, PE, library, and ESOL), and employee recognition events

  • Michelle Baskerville, Sr. Administrative Assistant: Supporting HR leadership; Recruiting for athletics coaches; and Regional Governor’s School

  • Vicki Morrow, Human Resource Generalist: Orientation, recruiting for SOL tutors, instructional coaches, summer school, and extended school year roles

  • Kim Fontaine, Program Support Specialist: Substitutes, Frontline, and Orientation 

Additional Required Documents


To complete the teacher or administrative (e.g. teachers, counselors, media specialists, instructional administrators) application, please include the following documents:

  1. University placement file, if applicable

  2. Two narrative letters of reference from those most familiar with your relevant and recent job performance (candidates with teaching experience should include at least one letter from the principal).

  3. College transcripts; official transcripts are required for individuals seeking licensure

  4. Praxis Exams Scores—If applying for initial licensure, the following is required:

    1. Virginia Literacy and Communication Assessment (VCLA)

    2. Praxis II (depending upon the endorsement)

    3. SLLA (for school administrators)

  5. Teachers applying for an initial license with an endorsement in elementary education, special education, or reading specialist must also take the Reading for Virginia Educators (RVE) exam. The RVE website provides general information about the test, but registration forms are available only in the printed registration bulletin.

  6. Virginia Teaching License or license from another state; for candidates who hold a provisional license, please provide the license and the attachment from VDOE indicating what requirements are lacking for the renewable license.

Support Staff

Support staff positions include instructional assistants (aides), school nurses, food service assistants, custodians, technology services technicians, maintenance personnel, secretaries, bus and car drivers, fiscal technicians, etc.    

Please include the following documents with your application:

  1. Two reference forms or letters from individuals (especially supervisors) familiar with your performance.

    • Letters should address: dates of employment, relationship to employee, employee's attendance, duties, job performance, and collaborations with others, etc.

  2. We encourage you to include a resume.

To begin completion of our online application, locate the position and click "apply."

HCPS teacherKeep Your Application Active

We scan the above documents to accompany the applicant's computer file and then destroy all but the applicant's official transcripts. We keep the application information for one year then hold it as inactive and available for reactivation for three years. It is best to bring portfolios, CD's, and other information to the interview sessions rather than keep them in the application file.

Applications are active until October, when we will move the status of any applications that have not been originated or updated since July 1 to inactive status.

To Reactivate a Previous Application

  • Log on to the NEOGOV online application using your previous username and password, and update your information.

  • If you don’t remember your username and password, please contact the NEOGOV customer success team requesting that your login and password be reset.

  • We strongly encourage you to update your resume, reference letters, or other information that will indicate the most recent credentials and experience.  

Additional Information

Hanover County Public Schools gives employment priorities to teacher applicants with current teaching licenses in the areas for which they are endorsed. Candidates who are seeking provisional licenses may be qualified if they have passed Praxis I and II and hold a bachelor's degree with a major in a corresponding school subject area or endorsement area. 

Once we have selected you for a position, we require fingerprinting for employment.

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