Specialized transportation is provided to students that have been identified as needing specialized services or for students that qualify for specific transportation services. The identification of services (as a related service) and how those services should be implemented are made by the student’s IEP team after careful consideration of the student’s needs. When not identified as a related service, transportation will be provided in the same way it is provided for general education students.
Pre-school/HPI/VPI students must be met and received by an authorized adult whenever a student is received from or discharged at the designated school bus stop. In the event that the parent, guardian, or authorized adult for the student is not at the designated school bus stop, the student will be returned to the school. Each student will be supplied a green book bag tag. Please affix this tag to your student’s book bag. The green tag will allow transportation staff to readily identify your student as a preschool student. Each day, your child will need to wear the bright yellow-green vest that is provided.The parent/guardian must provide the driver proper picture identification during this transaction. When releasing a Pre-K student, the authorized adult needs to be at the door of the bus, (HAND-TO-HAND POLICY). If the parent/guardian or designee is not present upon drop-off, the student will be returned to their assigned school for parent/guardian pick-up. Upon the first incident, a phone call will be made by the program administrator reminding them of their obligation. Subsequent incidents may result in the loss of transportation privileges.
If the child needs assistance in boarding or leaving the bus, the Parent/Guardian/Authorized Adult may be asked to help. Otherwise, the Parent/Guardian/Authorized Adult should not board the bus with the child. The authorized adult should approach the bus in a cautious manner, observing traffic, signs and signals.
Parent Responsibilities
The involvement of parents of special education students in assisting their student’s to have appropriate bus behavior goes a long way toward positive attitudes among the riders. Not only should parents reinforce the rules of conduct with their child, but they should assist in every way possible.
If the child needs assistance in boarding or leaving the bus, the Parent/Guardian/Authorized Adult may be asked to help. Otherwise, the Parent/Guardian/Authorized Adult should not board the bus with the child. The authorized adult should approach the bus in a cautious manner, observing traffic, signs and signals.
Contact Information
Please contact our Special Education Transportation office at 804-365-6536 for specific information related to your child’s services.