Referral and Screening

student in art room

General Intellectual Aptitude & Specific Academic Aptitude

Initial Referrals

Screening is conducted in the spring of each school year for k–12 in the areas of general intellectual aptitude and specific academic aptitude. An additional fall screening is conducted in middle school.

In order for a student to be considered for the gifted program, he or she must first be referred for evaluation. A referral can be initiated by a parent, a teacher, a peer, a community member, or by the student. 


An initial referral/permission for evaluation form must be completed and submitted by the testing deadline of January 31 for the spring and October 15th for the middle school fall screening window, which is obtained through the gifted resource teacher. Testing cannot begin until a signed permission form is received.

All referrals that come in after the deadline will be held until the next scheduled testing period. Hanover County uses multiple criteria to identify students for the gifted program. Students are screened by:

  • reviewing student records
  • response lessons
  • test data
  • progress reports
  • teacher observations

Once the initial referral/permission for evaluation form has been received from the teacher or parent, the gifted resource teacher administers the following assessments:

  • an ability test
  • a test for divergent thinking (creativity)
  • a language-based performance assessment
  • a mathematics/logic-based performance assessment
The classroom teacher will collect work samples that have been created independently by the student at school and submit them as part of a portfolio.

students with ipadParent Portfolio

Parents are invited to submit an optional parent portfolio from home in support of a Gifted Referral. Some suggestions include:

  • a parent narrative, which provides information about your student outside of school
  • up to three student work samples, no larger than 8.5 x 11, of independently created items such as a story written at home
  • photographs and an explanation of larger projects, 3D objects, or posters

The optional parent portfolio will be reviewed by the Identification Committee. Should you choose to submit the optional parent portfolio, please adhere to the following deadline of March 1. 


Once the testing is completed and the portfolio components are collected, the Gifted Identification/Placement Committee meets to review the data and student portfolio to determine if the evidence supports identification in the areas of General Intellectual Ability or Specific Academic Aptitude. Parents will be notified in writing of the committee’s decision.

Visual & Performing Arts (Grades 5–12)

Student writing in a journalInitial Referrals

Screening is conducted in the spring of each school year for 5–11 in the areas of visual and performing arts.

In order for a student to be considered for the Gifted Program, he or she must first be referred for evaluation. A referral can be initiated by a parent, a teacher, a peer, a community member, or by the student.


An initial referral/permission for evaluation form must be completed and submitted by the testing deadline of March 31 which is obtained through the gifted resource teacher. Testing cannot begin until a signed permission form is received.

Once the initial referral/permission for evaluation form has been received from the teacher or parent.

Visual Arts   Performing Arts
Portfolio Review and Assessment Audition/Adjudication 
Teacher Recommendation and Rating Scales Teacher Recommendation and Rating Scales 
Drawing Abilities Test
Optional Supplemental Materials: (audio/video recordings and compositions)



Once the testing is completed and the portfolio components are collected, the Visual & Performing Arts Identification/Placement Committee meets to review the data and student portfolio to determine if the evidence supports identification. Parents will be notified in writing of the committee’s decision.

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