Transportation Eligibility

Hanover County Public Schools will provide transportation services for eligible students who request transportation to and from their residence address. It is important that you maintain an accurate residence address for every student attending school. Only addresses on file, with the school, are used to set up transportation services for students. Any changes to your student’s address must be submitted to the school. Students are eligible for transportation, by school bus, provided they live within the attendance area of the school they attend.
Students attending school on a variance are not eligible for home-to-school-to-home transportation. Students that maintain a parking pass, which allows them to drive to and from school, will not be assigned to a bus route. Students in special programs are subject to different criteria.
Transportation Request
To request transportation services for your student(s), the student must be registered at the school prior to any new transportation service or changes to transportation service. Service will be provided to/from an address on file with the school (within PowerSchool). Changes will only apply to school bus services within your child's school attendance zone. All requests for morning or evening services must be for five days per week.
New Transportation Service Request
Generally, service is implemented within five business days, when existing stops/services are used. If the service request will require an additional bus, new bus stop, new route or extensive modification to a route, implementation could take up to 10 business days. You will receive an email notification once your student’s bus assignment is finalized. Your student’s bus assignment and stop information will be added to your student’s PowerSchool Transportation Page.
Alternate Bus Stop Request (Grades K-12)
Transportation recognizes the need for parents to have access to a stop other than their home-to-school bus stop. The primary purpose of the alternate bus stop is to provide needed transportation for general education students in split custody households or to childcare/daycare/afterschool care locations within the attending school attendance zone. There is no guarantee that the request will be approved simply because the form was submitted. Transportation will be verifying that there is room on the bus and that the stop falls along the existing route path. Excluding split households, services must be for 5 days a week.
Transportation (K-2) Release Waiver Application
Hanover County Public Schools Regulation 4-4.2(A) requires an adult to be present to discharge a 2nd grade or younger student from the bus. This form is an electronic request to allow your child (K-2) to exit the school bus without a guardian or parent being present. Your request for a release waiver will be evaluated by the Department of Transportation.
If your release waiver is approved, you will be required to visit your child's school to sign the approved waiver. A transportation official will contact you with an effective start date.
Parent and Guardian Responsibility
- School bus safety is a team effort. Parents and guardians play an important role in promoting safe school bus practices. It is important that parents speak with their children to help them understand the importance of school bus safety.
- Make sure your child knows his/her bus number, what stop to get off at, home address and phone number.
- Make sure your child understands all bus safety rules and expected behavior.
- Make sure your child arrives at the designated bus stop 10 minutes prior to the bus’s scheduled arrival time.
- An adult must be present to meet kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students. K-2 students will not be left unattended at a bus stop in the afternoon if an adult is not there to meet the child, unless the transportation department has a release waiver on file (which is prior written approval from the parent to allow the student to be left unattended or go home with an older sibling).
- Notify the school of any changes to contact information so parents can be notified in case of an emergency.
- Be responsible for any observed damage caused by their children on the bus or at the bus stop.
- We ask that you do not approach the school bus or driver regarding student behaviors or other problems while the driver is performing his or her duties. The Transportation Department will be glad to assist you regarding any concerns that you have. Please reach out to the Transportation Department at 804-365-6520.